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Cities Ending Homelessness: A Global Initiative of the Homeless World Cup and Catalyst 2030


Downloadable/printable .pdf document


July 2023


The Homeless World Cup and Catalyst 2030


Our objective is simple: To end global homelessness.

It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t agree with this aim but it also seems as if homelessness has now become a normal part of everyday life in nearly every country in the world. And it shouldn’t be that way.

That is why the Homeless World Cup and Catalyst 2030 are launching this groundbreaking initiative called Cities Ending Homelessness with a call to action for people to join us in a constructive discussion about how to end global homelessness – completely.

As humans, we can be ingenious. We have sent people to the Moon and invented the internet and yet we seem incapable of ending homelessness on our home planet. We have the capabilities and the resources to come up with solutions, but first we must commit ourselves to meeting the challenge together.

And that’s our call to action.

Page 10 of Cities Ending Homelessness
Page 6 of Cities Ending Homelessness
Page 5 of Cities Ending Homelessness

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